
A Chinese man and a Jewish man were eating lunch together. Suddenly, without warning the Jew gets up, walks over to the Chinese fellow and smashes him in the mouth, sending him sprawling. The Chinese man picks himself up, rubs his jaw and asks, "What in the world did you do that for?" And the answer comes back: "For Pearl Harbor!"

His response is total astonishment: "Pearl Harbor? I didnt have anything to with Pearl Harbor. It was the Japanese that bombed Pearl Harbor!"

The Jew responds, "Chinese, Japanese, Taiwanese--theyre all the same to me. With that they both sit down again, and before too long the Chinese man gets up, walks over to the Jew and sends him flying with a hard slap to the jaw.

The Jew yells out, "What did you do that for?" And the answer comes back: "The Titanic." "The Titanic?

Why, I didn't have anything to do with the Titanic!" Whereupon the Chinese man replies, "Goldberg, Feinberg, Iceberg -- they're all the same to me!"


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