
Once there was a man who was involved in an unethical and dishonest business venture.  Eventually the law caught up with him, and he was arrested and convicted of bribery.  He admitted his guilt and threw himself on the mercy of the court.

The man's lawyer, hoping for a reduced sentence, brought witnesses to attest to his client's character.  In the course of such laudatory evidence, it was revealed that the man tithed 10% of his ill-gotten income.

The judge interrupted upon hearing this news, asking incredulously, "You mean the defendant tried to bribe God, too?"

It is a memorable line.  Sometimes in our prayers many of us get close to bribery, trying to influence or sway God's mind, trying to bargain with the Lord by promising something in return for His favor.

When we engage in such prayers, we are skating on thin spiritual ice.  Mature Christians seek to know God's will, not to impose their wishes upon Him.  Remember, your Heavenly Father loves you and wants the best for you.  If you ask for break, He will not give you a stone.  (Matt. 7:9)  Bribes aren't required from children who have loving fathers, just required love.


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