Walking in Circles

Once I read of a man whose plane crashed in a vast snow-covered forest.  Miraculously he lived, but while he was trying to find help, a blizzard struck.  Blinded by snow, he wandered the whole night in circles and eventually froze to death - only a short distance from a rescue station.

Had he been an experienced woodsman, he might have survived by following the example of animals and burrowing under fallen pine boughs and other foliage.  He also might have tried to mark his trail to record where he had been.  Smart hikers mark their progress through a wood with blazes, usually cuts on trees; then if they want to backtrack they won't get lost and walk in circles.

Many people spend their lives walking in circles, lost and unable to extricate themselves from their narrow, boxlike existences.  In the Bible we read about many lost, sinful, confused men and women who were redeemed by God's saving grace.  If you feel trapped by circumstances and are covering the same ground year after year, maybe you need to ask God to help you find your bearings.  He has directed many a lost, woebegone pilgrim, and He can help you.  He can make your life productive, creative, fulfilling - all the things you've dreamed of.  Talk to Him about your dreams, the deep desires and goals of your soul.  Listen to the counsel He gives.  Then follow the blazes he sets before you.


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