The Sun, Love, God
I believe in the Sun
even when it is not shining.
I believe in Love
even when I feel it not.
I believe in God
even when He is silent.
I once read the quotation above on a plaque in a barbershop. The barber told me that it had meant a lot to him, and that many others had thanked him for posting it. For me, the message communicates a deep truth: there are many things in this world that we accept "by faith."
We know that the sun is not gone, just because it has disappeared behind a cloud. And I know that I love my wife and that she loves me even on those days when I don't feel very loving or lovable. And Christians know that God exists even when they wait on Him to answer their prayers. All around us we see living testimony to the fact that He loves us. Live one day at a time, trusting that He is there, caring for you, concerned about you and sustaining you every moment of the day.
even when it is not shining.
I believe in Love
even when I feel it not.
I believe in God
even when He is silent.
I once read the quotation above on a plaque in a barbershop. The barber told me that it had meant a lot to him, and that many others had thanked him for posting it. For me, the message communicates a deep truth: there are many things in this world that we accept "by faith."
We know that the sun is not gone, just because it has disappeared behind a cloud. And I know that I love my wife and that she loves me even on those days when I don't feel very loving or lovable. And Christians know that God exists even when they wait on Him to answer their prayers. All around us we see living testimony to the fact that He loves us. Live one day at a time, trusting that He is there, caring for you, concerned about you and sustaining you every moment of the day.
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