Taking Account

"Closed December 31," the sign on the door of the hardware store read.  "Taking Inventory."  Many businesses will be taking inventory today.  By counting the materials on hand and assigning a value to them, companies can determine their profit or loss for the year.

Few are like the corner grocer I knew who, when asked if he made a profit, replied, "Sure, I always have more money in the till at night than I do in the morning."

If you were to take inventory of your spiritual profit or loss this year, what would the ledger show?  Did you realize some growth?  What areas of your life need improvement?  What habits do you think God would like to see you eliminate?  What disciplines do you need to initiate in order to accomplish what you should?

Each year, I pick four goals to accomplish – two within the spiritual realm, and two within mundane life.  They can, of course, overlap.

Whether 2017 was all you had hoped or not, it is behind.  But before you lies a brand new year, full of possibilities.  What are your goals for 2018?  After you've had time to think about them, write them down.  Studies have shown that you're actually much more likely to do something if you write it down, and beyond that, if you share your goals with others, who can help you stick to them.  Set yourself up for success.

The good news is that you can see any dreams to fruition if you include God in it.  God to Him daily.  Share your hopes and dreams with your Heavenly Father, and ask Him to bless them.  Then believe that they will come to pass and they will, because all things are possible to him that believes.  (Mark 9:23)


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